A lot of us wants to know how can it be possible to transfer your posts from home, to other pages of your blog. as of now this is impossible, but I can teach you a trick where you can actually transfer your post from home page to our other page.
one example here is my blog as you can see, my posts are visible in the homepage
as you can see this is my homepage. all my posts are there. you can also see I have a link page at the top (the green one) now maybe you're wondering how did i manage to separate my posts by their category.
Today I will teach you on how to do that.
first you will need to think of what category is right for your niche. look at mine, I got homepage, blogger tips, latest news. etc.
go to your blogger account
ON THE LABEL PART put where do you want to categorize your post.
for example your post is about making money online, so you supposed to put a label "Making money" after categorizing all of your post, you can now proceed on making the link pages for your blog
!.Go to Design > Page element> Add gadget> add label
2 on this part you don't need to add all your label, only the label that you wanted to appear on your link buttons. example is my blog. i only choose the labels "BLOGGER TIPS, SEO TIPS, ENTERTAINMENT, LATEST NEWS, ONLINE TRICKS, MAKE MONEY, and CONTACTS"
3.after putting the labels save it.
4.now on your website, click each labels. If I click my blogger tips label it will open up a new page. copy that. repeat it with your other labels.
5. After copying the URL of all your labels lets go back again to your blogger account >DESIGN> PAGE ELEMENT> ADD gadget
6. this time add the LINK LIST gadget and place it at the top of your blog below the banner of your website.
7. on the link list put there your desired page tabs. and put the link that you had listed.
I want to have a "BLOGGER TIPS" page so what i will do is add BLOGGER TIPS in my link list and put the URL that I've copied. so it will go like this
repeat the steps with the other labels that you've copied.
and Viola!, now you got a page tab for your blogger. even if you cannot transfer it from the homepage to the other page, at least you can now have an organized blog where all your posts are categorized according to their topics. just don't forget to put the label everytime you post so that your posts will be categorized according to their topics.